The Path To
Inner Knowledge
Introduction Course
About the course
This course invites the aspiring philosopher to a life of adventure. It is an invitation to embark upon a journey of ancient cultures and classical traditions to understand the causes and wisdom of their most audacious and valiant pursuits that we have available as our legacy today. Be it the pyramids of Egypt, The arduous trials of the Buddha in his pursuit of truth or Arjun’s conquest over himself in the Bhagvad Gita.
The course guides the participant to start developing a direction to navigate the many choices that life presents. This is to truly participate in “Living Philosophy”, a way where the investigation is to apply the learnings and allow a transformed attitude with which to live.
To bring a positive change needs us to face challenges with courage and freedom. This course has the ingredients to imagine how we may be the ones that champion this change, which necessarily first starts with ourselves.
The successful completion of this course is a first step and qualifies the participant to continue this journey of investigation with the scholastic program of School of Philosophy of New Acropolis and pursue the path to be a member of the school.
some of the topics
Below are some of the topics that you will encounter through the course.
Need for Inner Change and the Ethical Life of a Disciple
The Internal Battle of Kurukshetra
Unraveling Svadharma and Karma Yoga
The Life of The Buddha and the process of Self-Transformation
The Symbolism of Tibetan Vajrayana Tradition
P. Blavatsky and the origins of a mystical manual for disciples
Some themes from The Voice of the Silence
Justice and the Sacred from Ancient Egypt
Confucius on Order and Harmony
Path of Happiness as per Aristotle
Man and Society
The Stoic Principles
Plotinus and Neo-Platonism
The role and importance of Society
Socrates and The Maieutic Approach
Education and Justice in Society
The Allegory of the Cave by Plato
Pythagoras and the last School of Mystery
The Organizational structure of Traditional Society
Founding Principles of New Acropolis
Path to Mystery
Philosophy of History and Future
Myths: Truths hidden in Mythology
Understanding Time
Cycles within History
Cycles of Time: Hindu Yugas, Great Year of Plato
Challenges and Opportunities of our times
The Esoteric History of Man
The Evolution of Human Consciousness
The Discipular Path